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Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health problems in young people and can present in similar ways depending on the individual, their situation and age. 

Anxiety may present in many ways but some of these may be

  • Feeling frightened, nervous or panicky all the time

  • Getting down or depressed

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Low appetite

  • Lack of concentration

  • Tired and irritable

  • Palpitations - when your heart feels like its racing

  • Dry mouth

  • Trembling

  • Feeling faint

  • Stomach cramps and/or diarrhoea

Some of the signs of depression include

being grumpy and irritable - easily upset, ‘ratty’ or tearful

  • avoiding others and regular activities

  • feeling guilty or bad, being self-critical and self-blaming - hating yourself

  • feeling miserable of the time

  • feeling hopeless and wanting to die

  • poor concentration

  • Personal care reduced

  • changes in sleep pattern: sleeping too little or too much

  • feeling tired

  • not interested in eating, eating little or too much

  • an increase in physical pain symptoms

Anxiety and depression do not always have to have a "cause". Sometimes it can just happen and there not be a clear reason identified. Some individuals are more prone to having anxiety or depression and often there may be a long history of this when we look into things further.

How is anxiety and depression assessed?

A full assessment with Dr Reeves would explore the history, presenting issues and any precipitating factors as well as a current mental state examination. Sometimes we can use psychometric scales to assess how severe anxiety and depression are affecting individuals currently

How is it treated?

Once we fully understand what we are dealing with an individualized evidence based approach for treatment would be agreed. This may involve talking therapy and also medication. Often a combination of the two is the most effective in helping the more severe cases. Careful follow up and monitoring would be needed. Medication can be prescribed by Dr Reeves or by your GP if they are in agreement. Talking therapy, which would be evidence based and tailored to you child's individual needs would be delivered by a suitably qualified therapist and usually take place on a weekly basis.


Assessment with Dr Reeves £480

Subsequent follow up £280

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